Launch date: 2024-04-03 Live
MORDY The Dog! Guarding the Solpaka farm from those who dare to oppose it. Its name is Moon Or Dusty, based on MoonMoon husky. Join our little furry friend - chill and grow fleece!
🔓 Liquidity LOCKED!
💪 Solid community!
🙏 No rugs!
🔥 Long-term approach!
Launch details
Launch price: ~$0.00002286
Launch liquidity: $16,000
Launch market cap: ~$22,857
Circulating supply: 1,000,000,000
Token details
📜Contract address: CXb92fEG87ziY8h2U9S2kg5eNfFHH2bHTDNfCQ2VJeT3
🔓 Liquidity lock tx: Wp7XLnD4bJc2tb4xaP9bTzrSKr88ArMTsVyZnY2SkwVakaU7hHNg7rDkKDByfnFJj3Hnmb1HFkutGaZ3hmHxeyL
Total supply: 1,000,000,000
Team allocation: 200,000,000 (20%)
Team allocation will be used in conjuction with the marketing allocation.
Marketing allocation: 100,000,000 (10%)
Marketing allocation will be used to pay marketing expenses (listings, tracker updates, influencers, videos, airdrops, etc.) and will serve as a fund for the upcoming CEX listing of Solpaka.
LP Allocation: 700,000,000 (70%)
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To get access to the Inner Circle Discord community you will need to mint the OG Solpaka NFT, head over to our Discord server, and verify your NFT.
It's as easy as growing fleece!